7. Raiders Of The Lost Ark Wolf Kahler, Paul Freeman And Ronald Lacey
My mother ordered my father to cover my eyes the first time I watched this movie. When he refuses they had a huge argument. As they squabbled, I sat their semi-traumatised, semi-exhilarated. The massive climactic scene of the great adventure movie from Spielberg and Lucas has Indi and Marilyn gathered with the Nazis and Beloch who conducts the ceremony to open the Ark. Indi rightly instructs Marilyn to look away as spirits fly out of the Ark; they proceed to destroy all the Nazis technology and then turn on the evildoers. Ray Harryhausen style special effects are employed to melt the main Nazis skin from their faces, exposing the bloody gore of the skull and then their heads explode. How this film managed to stay a PG with this scene still amazes me.
6. Suspiria Eva Axen
No list with the word gore in it would be complete without an entry from the Italian master of gore, Dario Argento. His best known and most accessible film is Suspiria and in my opinion it is his best and also one of the most unsettling films I have ever seen. While a number of deaths stick in the mind, this opening one is surely the most gory. Eva Axen cautiously approaches a window; suddenly a hand smashes through and pulls her face first against the window pane. As she screams and tries to pull away against the super human arm, her face is then smashed through the pane and she is pulled outside. She staggers along a railings as she is stabbed numerous times. The close up shot of the knife penetrating the still-beating heart is one of the most disgusting images I can recall. A rope is then tied around her neck and she is dropped is thrown through a stained-glass ceiling. She dies with her head in a noose, stabbed numerous times and body covered with shards of glass.