20 Suspiciously Similar Movie Scenes You Never Noticed

3. Pulp Fiction/Psycho

Butch Psycho Quentin Tarantino is a magpie for movies, taking themes, and even entire sequences out of the films that influenced him most in his formative education, and reusing them as his own, either in homage or simply because he wants to recapture the same spirit as the original. He has a decidedly close relationship with his influences, to the extent that throughout his career he has been accused of borrowing far too much from the work of others. For Tarantino, it's more that his choices comes from a love of film history and not a desire to rip-off the works of others, and one of his more obvious nods to another director comes from Pulp Fiction, which features a sequences that is practically a shot for shot lift out of Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. In Psycho Marion is on the lam after stealing 40,000 dollars from her employer, when she literally runs into the boss she has just fleeced.
Psycho Cross Walk The Pulp Fiction version puts Bruce Willis' Butch behind the wheel, with his caper having been his refusal to throw a fight for Marsellus Wallace. The scene recreates the same spirit of the moment, with Butch seeing Marsellus in front of him, but naturally, since this is Tarantino, we get a different outcome, which fits the video store auteur far more...

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