20 Things You Didn’t Know About Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

1. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Even Referenced Leopardon

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Facts Olivia Octavius Glasses
Toei / Sony

If you adore all things Spider-Man, Into the Spider-Verse is an utter blast, since it's crammed with obscure injokes about the Webhead. True believers loved the references to the Spider-Buggy in Aunt May's lair, the Spidey-Os cereal, and the awful Spider-Man popsicle.

But there's another Spidey gag that only the geekiest fans picked up on. In Miles' room, you may have spotted a sketch of a black-and-yellow robot. To the untrained eye, it looks like a generic drawing.

But anyone who's watched the Japanese TV series, Spider-Man, will recognise the character. In the show, Spidey sometimes teamed up with a space warship called Marveller to defeat criminals. At Spider-Man's command, Marveller transformed into a Power Rangers-like robot called Leopardon, which our hero would pilot. (Why a spider-themed superhero drove a leopard robot rather than a spider robot is never explained.)

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