20 Things You Didn’t Know About You Only Live Twice (1967)
10. “Tell Him To Come Below And Report!”

James Bond's "burial" at sea in Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour was actually filmed off the coast of Gibraltar onboard HMS Tenby. The British frigate's crew wore their summer uniform to appear as though they were in warmer climes, even though the scene was shot in winter.
Additionally, the shroud in which Double-0 Seven is laid to rest refused to sink. Lamar Boren - who had shot the underwater scenes in Thunderball - filmed it floating to the seabed in The Bahamas.
For the film’s finale, retired US General Charles Russhon, who advised on many of the early Bond films, arranged for rubber dinghies to be dropped off the coast of Gibraltar for Double-0 Seven and his surviving allies to climb into.
M's submarine was portrayed by HMS Aeneas, a Royal Navy Amphion-class submersible whose pennant number was changed from P427 to M1 for the film.
Aeneas tried several times to perform the scene in which it surfaces underneath Bond and Kissy Suzuki's rubber dinghy, but kept washing it away. The submarine was later filmed submerging beneath the lifeboat and the footage was played in reverse to capture the shot.