20 Things You Didn't Know About Alien 3

6. There's An X-Wing In The Film

Alien 3

Star Wars and Alien may be the most iconic space-oriented franchises but they are so different, you'd bet the two series would never cross paths. However, one of Star War's most iconic props does appear (kinda) in AlienĀ³.

After Ripley's pod crash-lands on Fiorini, the corrections officers use a crane to lift the vessel on dry land. Because it was too expensive to use a real crane (especially on a film with an alarmingly bloated budget), the crew used a miniature for this shot.

But the crew didn't use any random prop to serve as the crane. Even though you could never tell in a million years, the crane in this shot was constructed from the remnants of the Star Wars fighter jet, the X-Wing. The horizontal section of the crane is taken directly from the fuselage of the iconic Rebel plane. It's also worth pointing out that twin suns appear in this shot, as a reference to Luke Skywalker's home of Tattooine.

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Alien 3
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