20 Things You Didn't Know About Aliens

5. H.R Giger Wasn't Even Needed

Aliens James Cameron

H.R Giger was of course the visual mastermind behind the first film, but Cameron decided not to use him at all for the sequel.

In a letter addressed to Giger, James Cameron explained that he had to "put his own unique stamp on the project." He felt that bringing Giger on board, such was his influence, that Aliens would in effect become Giger's film, which Cameron felt the first film definitely was.

The assets and lore had already been set up in the first film, and was used as a visual aid to create the sequel. The letter also makes clear of Giger's "clear sense of disappointment" at not being invited back to the sequel in any capacity.


James Brigginshaw hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.