20 Things You Didn't Know About Arrival

14. Catering To The Italian Audience

Arrival Movie
Paramount Pictures

Several films in Hollywood have certain elements in them changed when taken out into the international market. Some changes are for the best (Steve Rogers’ to-do list in The Winter Soldier) and others... not so much (muting LGBTQ representation in most blockbusters).

Arrival’s take on this trend in Italy was rather unusual but served as both something culturally specific without taking away from the story being told. In the original version, the Heptapods are named Abbott and Costello, and Sheena Easton’s music peaked in the 12 landing sites during the '80s.

The Italian dub had the above cultural icons changed to Tom and Jerry and Pink Floyd, respectively, as they are not as popular in the Mediterranean nation compared to the iconic cartoon frenemies and the British rock band.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.