20 Things You Didn't Know About Batman Begins

18. Bruce Wayne & Lois Lane Worked Together... Sort Of


Christian Bale and Amy Adams appeared opposite each other in David O. Russel€™s The Fighter €“ where they both received Oscar nominations, and he won €“ but they had €œworked together€ before. During the casting of Batman Begins, Amy Adams, as a favor to the casting director, €œread€ with the various actors up for the part of Bruce Wayne; Bale was the first up, and Adams was apparently so moved by his reading that she spontaneously teared up. All this is making me imagine an alternate universe where Rachel Dawes was played by Amy Adams instead of the artist formerly known as Mrs. Tom Cruise, but then again Adams will be playing Lois Lane in this summer€™s Man of Steel, so maybe things worked out for the best€
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C.B. Jacobson pops up at What Culture every once in a while, and almost without fail manages to embarrass the site with his clumsy writing. When he's not here, he's making movies, or writing about them at http://buddypuddle.blogspot.com.