20 Things You Didn't Know About Batman Begins

15. The Film Probably Has The Most Likeable Thomas Wayne Ever

For much of the character€™s history, Bruce Wayne€™s parents Thomas and Martha have been little more than ciphers €“ they€™re the rich people whose deaths make Wayne devote his life to fighting crime. In recent years, the work of Jeph Loeb in particular has recharacterized Thomas Wayne as, in many ways, the father of Batman as much as Bruce Wayne; he€™s a cold, aloof figure €“ a just man, but not a warm one. Surprisingly, considering how much inspiration they took from Loeb€™s work in other respects, Nolan and Goyer went against the grain by making Thomas Wayne an immediately likeable and sympathetic character €“ the man is only on screen for about five minutes, but you immediately feel terrible when he dies, in a way you usually don€™t with depictions of Batman€™s origin. No wonder Grant Morrison told Comics Alliance€™s David Uzumeri that the Batman Begins version of Thomas Wayne was his favorite version of that character.

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C.B. Jacobson pops up at What Culture every once in a while, and almost without fail manages to embarrass the site with his clumsy writing. When he's not here, he's making movies, or writing about them at http://buddypuddle.blogspot.com.