20 Things You Didn't Know About Eyes Wide Shut

9. Eyes Wide Shut Is A Record Breaking Movie

eyes wide shut
Warner Brothers

Movie productions tend to last, on average, around three months. Eyes Wide Shut would run for considerably longer, a possibility both Cruise and Kidman were both prepared for, yet nobody could conceivably predict that this shoot would last for more than FOUR HUNDRED DAYS.

The stars signed open ended contracts, essentially a promise to remain on the project no matter what happened. Filming began in November 1996 and did not wrap until June 1998; the exhausted crew, some only contracted for two weeks ended up shooting for two months, with Cruise and Kidman's kids even developing British accents, that's how long a shoot this was.

Eyes Wide Shut now holds the Guinness world record for the longest consecutive movie shoot EVER.


A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...