20 Things You Didn't Know About Gone Girl

16. The Musical Score Was Inspired By Fincher's Visit To A Chiropractor

Gone Girl Rosamund Pike

Gone Girl's ominous, haunting musical score was composed by Fincher's regular collaborators Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, but the seed for the music actually stemmed from Fincher's own trip to a chiropractor's office. Reznor said:

"David was at the chiropractor and heard this music that was inauthentically trying to make him feel OK, and that became a perfect metaphor for this film...The challenge was, simply, what is the musical equivalent of the same sort of facade of comfort and a feeling of insincerity that that music represented? [My primary aim was] to instill doubt [and] remind you that things aren't always what they seem to be."

This eerie combination of soothing calm and unsettling undercurrent is perhaps best felt in the pivotal track "Like Home."

Despite how strongly acclaimed Reznor and Ross' work was on the movie, they were criminally snubbed for an Oscar nomination (after previously winning for Fincher's The Social Network).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.