20 Things You Didn't Know About Jackie Brown
14. Wait, What?
Yes, the film's biggest hook, that it was a love letter to the blacksploitation films of Tarantino's youth, was entirely absent in Rum Punch. Jackie Brown is a caucasian flight attendant Jackie Burke.
All the changes to make it fit the Blacksploitation mold, from the casting to the soundtrack, were inventions of the director. In fact, the film's opening moments intentionally mirror another popular film of the era it recalls: Jackie going through the airport to Bobby Womack's "Across 110th Street" is almost identical to Dustin Hoffman walking to Simon and Garfunkel in The Graduate, decidedly NOT a blacksploitation film.
You'd be within your rights to make the logical leap that Tarantino renamed the character as a callback to Grier's signature role Foxy Brown. But you'd be wrong...