20 Things You Didn't Know About Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

3. The Proposed Ending Was Ditched Because It Felt Like A Transformers Parody

Scott Pilgrim

With O'Malley not having finished writing the books, Wright and Bacall had to come up with their own climactic showdown with abusive, controlling uber-ex Gideon. Given the anime and videogame stylings of the rest of the movie, they settled on an obvious boss battle: Scott versus Mecha-Gideon.

Scenes were scripted and there were even storyboards and concept art for a sequence in which, after Scott beat Gideon, the latter's glasses would regenerate into a giant robotic Jason Schwartzman.

There have been various explanations put forward for why this grand finale didn't make it into the final draft of the screenplay, its place in the story replaced by the appearance of Nega-Scott.

For one thing Mecha-Gideon didn't quite fit with how O'Malley envisioned the climax of his story playing out (the comics writer describing the concept as "a bit too big and dumb"). It also would have been enormously expensive to film on a production that was already stretching its budget to breaking point.

The last word on Mecha-Gideon from Wright, though, was that "we thought it would look like a Transformers spoof, so we ditched it".


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