20 Things You Didn't Know About Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones

10. Terence Stamp Declined To Return After Having A Miserable Experience On The Phantom Menace

Christian Bale Anakin Skywalker

Terence Stamp appeared in The Phantom Menace as Chancellor Valorum, though opted not to return for a part in Attack of the Clones after his less-than-pleasant experience on the first film.

In an interview with Empire, Stamp was merciless as he criticised George Lucas' directorial style, saying:

"I didn't rate him that much as a director, really... I didn't feel like he was a director of actors; he was more interested in stuff and effects. He didn't interest me and I wouldn't think I interested him."

Stamp was especially disappointed that he expected to be working with Natalie Portman, only to arrive on the Australian set and learn otherwise:

"On the day I'm supposed to do my scene with her, for which I'd travelled halfway around the world, I said, 'Where's Natalie?' And George says, 'That's Natalie,' and points to a bit of paper on the wall. It was just boring."

Evidently the big bucks weren't enough of a lure for the classically trained thesp to fly back to Australia and spend a few more weeks acting in front of a blue screen. Can you really blame him?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.