20 Things You Didn't Know About Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
6. The Movie's Marketing Campaign Mocked Godzilla
Roland Emmerich's terrible Godzilla movie was released the year before The Phantom Menace, and touted a provocative marketing campaign which focused on, well, anything but actually showing audiences what the titular monster looked like.
Posters memorably insisted "Size does matter", yet between the film's ultimately negative reviews and disappointing box office, it clearly wasn't that true.
In an uncharacteristically catty move for Star Wars marketing, Lucasfilm decided to take a pot-shot at Godzilla by posting a mock poster on StarWars.com.
Styled in the Godzilla font, the poster stated, "Plot does matter", a barbed jab at Godzilla's atrocious screenplay, yet a gag that aged horribly a year later when the very same "hollow spectacle" complaints were levelled at The Phantom Menace. Oof.