20 Things You Didn't Know About Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

8. David Prowse Didn't Know His Darth Vader Voice Was Going To Be Dubbed Over

Star Wars New Hope

As with Alec Guinness, much has been written over the years about late Darth Vader actor David Prowse's fraught relationship with the franchise, namely the fact he apparently hadn't been told his voice would be dubbed over by James Earl Jones.

Prowse's thick Bristolian accent led to him being called "Darth Farmer" on set, and the distracting nature of the accent is apparently what prompted Lucas to re-dub Prowse in post.

Prowse insisted throughout his life that he was never told this would happen and didn't know about Jones' voiceover role until he saw the final film.

Prowse at least had the self-awareness to appreciate his accent wasn't a great fit, though nevertheless expected that he'd get a chance to re-dub his own voice before another actor was brought in to do it.

Fun fact: Lucas originally considered hiring Orson Welles for the part, but ultimately felt his voice was just too damn iconic. He's not wrong, but it's one hell of a "What if?" all the same.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.