20 Things You Didn't Know About The Dark Knight Rises

13. Nolan Considered Shooting The Entire Movie In IMAX

The Dark Knight Rises
Warner Bros.

Nolan has been one of cinema's greatest proponents of IMAX filmmaking throughout his career, with The Dark Knight being the first major Hollywood movie to shoot prominent sequences in the format.

Though The Dark Knight featured a whopping 28 minutes of IMAX content, Nolan consulted with his Oscar-nominated cinematographer Wally Pfister to up the ante substantially for the sequel, to the extent that the pair even considered shooting the entire movie in the format.

Ultimately it was decided that such a task would be too daunting and limiting due to the noisiness of the cameras, which typically require dialogue to be re-dubbed in post-production.

And so, Nolan and Pfister's compromise was to shoot "only" 72 minutes of the film - that's well over 40% of it - in IMAX.

Though it's now becoming more practical for entire films to be shot in IMAX - with Avengers: Infinity War being the first to do it - The Dark Knight Rises was a major trailblazer for the large-scale presentation back in 2012.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.