20 Things You Didn't Know About The Truman Show

12. There Are "Hidden" Cameras EVERYWHERE

The Truman Show

Even though a lot of Truman's life was scripted and manipulated, the premise was still very much a reality TV show. At the time, reality TV was a booming, emerging market, so the film's timing was nothing short of prophetic.

On the first viewing, many complained of odd angles or overly static shots, not normally seen in blockbuster movies. However, the reasoning is simple, hidden cameras. When filming a reality TV show, hidden cameras are vital to capture sincere moments.

For a show on the scale of this, literally hundreds of cameras were needed to capture Truman's every move across the town. However, they had to be creative to ensure he didn't catch on. Cue a plethora of cameras hidden in plain sight.

While there were many well hidden cameras, such as the one in the vending machine, or Truman's bathroom cabinet, some were a little less covert.

The more you watch the film, the more you notice these little black dots built into nearly everything. Road signs, decorative pillars, even trash cans are hooked up to cover as much of the town as possible.


I'm just happy to be here