20 Things You Probably Didn't Know About John Wick

12. The Filmmakers Spent An Unusual Amount On Creating An Insignificant Detail Using VFX

John Wick Things You Didn't Know
Summit Entertainment

In the last decade or two, digital visual effects have been used to create all sorts of incredible creatures and worlds, but there have been several instances where computerized filmmaking has been used to create the most mundane items for all sorts of reasons.

This was the case in John Wick, where the VFX team spent 5,000 dollars to digitally create the dog waste seen near the beginning of the film.

At first glance, some would balk at the expensive solution to a very affordable problem but the real reason (as revealed on the DVD commentary, via Syfy) why the filmmaking team chose to go with CGI was because they did not want to feed the dog playing Daisy laxatives.

While practical approaches should always be prioritized, it is just as important that animal safety is at the very least held in high regard.

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