20 Things You Probably Missed From Scream 2

1. The Totally Obvious Bodyguard Dummy

Scream 2 Matthew Lillard
Dimension Films

Once the younger cop is dealt with, Ghostface assaults but doesn't kill the older cop... at least until he gets back to his feet and pulls a gun.

At this point, Ghostface punches the gas and runs him over, before driving head-first into some construction poles all while the poor guy is still clinging to the windshield.

Unsurprisingly the outcome isn't fun for the cop, who ends up with a pole sent straight through his cranium.

But mere seconds before the impact, there are two distinct shots where we're clearly looking at a not-so-convincing dummy standing in for the actor.

Obviously safety first and all, but in the absence of having a stuntman able to execute the scene, the shot selections could've probably been a little smarter in order to conceal the ruse.

Then again, 98.7% of viewers have probably never even given this "mistake" a second thought.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.