20 Things You Somehow Missed In Beetlejuice

14. It's A Rare PG Movie With An F-Bomb

Beetlejuice Geena Davis Alec Baldwin
Warner Bros.

Something that's easy to forget about the movie, especially if you haven't seen it in a good while, is just how much it gets away with for a PG film.

Beyond the fantastical violence and sexually suggestive themes and innuendo, Beetlejuice literally drops an uncensored F-bomb at one point, when he kicks over a model tree and shouts, "Nice f**king model!"

It's all the more surprising given that the PG-13 rating was introduced almost four years prior to Beetlejuice's release, and yet, the MPAA of this era deemed a single F-bomb adequate for younger audiences.

Some fans maintain that the movie actually features two utterances of the word, though the second - when Beetlejuice falls off a balcony near the end - is obscured enough that it's tough to fully discern.

Between this and the word "s**t" also being heard once, it's frankly shocking that this thing didn't get slapped with a PG-13. Alas, t'was a different time - for better or worse.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.