20 Things You Somehow Missed In Gladiator

15. Maximus' Movie Home And Russell Crowe's Real Home Are One And The Same

Gladiator Chest

Shortly after the opening battle, Maximus is asked by the Emperor to join him for a chat. What proceeds is a quiet and thoughtful surrogate-father to son talk about Maximus, his family, and his future in the Empire.

During their chat, Marcus asks Maximus to describe his home in Spain. To make things simple, the description Crowe provides is of his own home. Crowe's words about pink stone, fruit trees, and wild ponies all apply to his very large ranch in New South Wales, Australia.

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Child of the Canadian '80s. Fan of Star Wars, Marvel (films), DC (animated films), WWE, classic cartoons. Enjoys debating with his two teenage sons about whether hand-drawn or computer animation is better but will watch it all anyways. Making ongoing efforts to catalogue and understand all WhatCulture football references.