20 Things You Somehow Missed In Gravity

2. The Movie's Surprisingly Low Number Of Shots

gravity sandra bullock
Warner Bros.

Unsurprisingly, given that it is a Alfonso Cuaron-directed and Emmanuel Lubezki-lensed movie, Gravity features a low number of cuts relative to its length. The feature only had 156 shots, and this was because Cuaron wanted it to feel like a documentary.

Cuaron mentioned that he wanted to evoke the feeling of a Discovery Channel documentary and wished to avoid constant cutting where it was not needed.

In addition to this, executive producer and VFX lead Chris DeFaria revealed during the project's post-production process that some shots were going to run on for anywhere between six and ten minutes. This was reflected in the final cut, where multiple sequences ran on far longer than expected in a film of this nature.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.