20 Things You Somehow Missed In Guardians Of The Galaxy

18. That 12% Gag

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 1. Stan Lee
Marvel Studios

As the crew find themselves in a rather difficult spot heading into the third act, the Guardians gather on the Milano to discuss how they can effectively bring down Ronan the Accuser and get the Power Stone as far away from the big bad as possible without, you know, being brutally killed.

And it's in this moment that Chris Pratt's Quill informs the group of losers that he has 12% of a plan, something Bradley Cooper's Rocket clearly finds laughable. But this wasn't simply a throwaway percentage landed on at random.

The MCU has actually regularly chucked out this number time and time again over the course of its many Phases, with Steve Rogers noting to Peggy Carter in The First Avenger that he's only used to crowds of 12 at his propaganda shows, for example.

The Avengers also sees Tony Stark and Pepper Potts quipping back and forth about the latter earning 12% of the credit for helping make Stark Tower a success. And Age of Ultron also contained a beat where Pietro Maximoff reminded his younger sibling Wanda that he was 12 minutes older.

Simply put, if there's a seemingly random number to be thrown into the mix in the MCU, there's a high chance these specific digits won't be too far away.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...