20 Things You Somehow Missed In Jackie Brown

15. Max Lies About His Age

Jackie Brown Samuel L Jackson

Bail bondsman Max Cherry (a brilliant, Oscar-nominated Robert Forster) is one of the movie's most memorable characters, but here's something you probably never noticed - he lies about his age one way or another.

Near the very end of the movie, Max tells Jackie, "I'm 56 years old. I can't blame anybody for anything I do," but when we get a brief look at Max's ID, it says that he was born in 1948, and with the plot taking place in 1995, that would make him 46 or 47 years old.

While it's entirely possible this was simply a mistake on the part of the prop department - given that Forster was himself in his mid-fifties when Jackie Brown was filmed - one could also surmise that, for some reason, Max either lied about his age to Jackie or lied about it on his ID.

The latter is easily most likely, because it's simply more probable that a bail bondsman who deals with criminals might want a fake ID, rather than him purposefully telling Jackie, his love interest, that he's older than he is.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.