20 Things You Somehow Missed In Jaws

17. "You're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat"

Jaws Ending
Universal Pictures

There’s no doubt the movie’s greatest line is “You’re gonna need a bigger boat”. It has since been praised as one of the most iconic lines spoken in cinema history and is frequently referenced and parodied throughout much of pop culture.

The line was, in fact, improvised and originated as a private joke on set. The filming of Jaws was cursed with many problems, including a tight budget. One of the tugboats provided for the producers was clearly too small for its job, leading the crew to remark “You’re gonna need a bigger boat”. Scheider found a way of fitting it into the scene after his character first sees Bruce jump up out of the water (Bruce being the unspoken name of the shark).

Test audiences were still in shock by the jump scare that they didn’t register the line. Spielberg edited the film so that the line could be spoken a bit later for viewers to definitely hear it.

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Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid