20 Things You Somehow Missed In Jaws

13. Jaws' Minor Connection To Duel (1971)

One of the many criticisms of “Jaws 4: The Revenge” was that the sharks could roar like lions whilst they were underwater. This is impossible anyway since they have no vocal chords. But many forgot the original Bruce did let out a roar sound (granted more muted than the ones of the fourth movie) when he jumps aboard the boat and devours Quint.

There is also another sound effect like this heard when the carcass of the blown-up shark sinks to the bottom of the sea. It’s the same soundbite that was used for Spielberg’s previous film “Duel” where the truck crashes off the end of a cliff. It was his intention to use the noise again because he wanted to demonstrate the “kinship” between the two films.

This particular sound effect was not a creation of Spielberg’s either but was taken from a 1950s horror film called “The Land Unknown”.

At around eighteen seconds into the video below, you can hear the dinosaur roar that would be used for Duel and then later reprised for Jaws.

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Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid