20 Things You Somehow Missed In Napoleon Dynamite

6. Final Cut Corpsing

Napoleon Dynamite
Fox Searchlight

During his (class) presidential campaign, Pedro’s cousins support his run by protecting not just Pedro but his fellow ‘losers.’ 

Their 2000s thug appearance, along with bouncing lowrider, clashes with the rest of the film’s characters and locations. The juxtaposition creates inevitable humour. In one scene where the cousins stop a bike thief, with the sheer intimidation of stares and a bouncing car, the victim is clearly seen laughing, turning away from the camera a little too late.

Even the movie’s star was not averse to corpsing. If you watch back the Rex Kwon Do scene, you will notice some odd cuts around Jon Heder. This is to cover his intense laughter while watching Kip and Rex’s comedic interpretation of sparring. In the shots where we see Heder, he is noticeably avoiding looking at his co-stars.

In a movie so crammed full of hilarity, it's a credit to the cast's professionalism that more corpsing didn't find its way into the final cut.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.