20 Things You Somehow Missed In Napoleon Dynamite

4. Famous Fans

Napoleon Dynamite
Orion Pictures

Efren Ramirez revealed that acting icon Anthony Hopkins, perhaps best known for his flawless performance as Hannibal Lecter, was a fan of Napoleon Dynamite.

At the premiere of War of the Worlds, Ramirez met Hopkins and was surprised that the living legend recognised him. Ramirez recalled:

"He was wearing a 'Vote For Pedro' badge and he looked at me and said: 'Ah yes, you're Pedro.' I'm like: 'You're Sir Anthony Hopkins and you have a button. He said: 'You were really funny in the movie.'"

Ramirez also revealed that when he met Annette Bening, star of American Beauty (1999) and numerous cinematic classics, she told him she and her kids loved the film.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.