20 Things You Somehow Missed In Napoleon Dynamite

12. Lyle's Incomprehensible Dialogue

Napoleon Dynamite
Fox Searchlight

Though featured in one of the movie's most popular scenes, Dale Critchlow's dialogue as Lyle is incomprehensible. It has caused viewers on mass to switch on the subtitles, although cinema goers were more likely to decipher Lynchian cinema than a single syllable. Sean Covel shed light on just what Critchlow was saying:

"That's how Dale talks all the time. And in that case, he didn't know the camera was running. He was just sharing that he had found a couple of Shoshone arrowheads in the creek bed not far from where we were filming."

Napoleon Dynamite was Critchlow's first acting credit. He would only star in one other movie - Church Ball (2006). The religious, basketball comedy holds a 17% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. However, his performance in Napoleon Dynamite continued to give him a level of local stardom.

Critchlow sadly passed away in February 2022. He was 93. When asked what lessons he learned over his life, Critchlow replied:

“It pays to be a little daring but not too daring [and] When people help you, help them back if you can.”

An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.