20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

6. Q-Tip Pod Race Spectators Were A Thing

Star Wars The Phantom Menace Richard Armitage The Hobbit

Speeding back to the edge-of-your-seat race that saw Anakin Skywalker win his freedom on Tatooine, model maker Michael Lynch managed to pull off the ultimate illusion in his attempts to forge the sort of freakishly packed crowd of pod racing supporters needed for the Phantom space race.

Probably sensing that trying to create fully digital fans would likely be too much work - and opting to rope in thousands of extras wouldn't have been cheap either - Lynch relied on something as simple as a boatload of Q-tips.

Filling out his convincing miniature of the staggering stand with a whopping 450,000 painted little tips, Lynch would then proceed to make said cotton swabs move by blowing wind up from underneath them with a fan, giving off the illusion of the crowd naturally moving along with the thrilling action.

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