20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

4. Three Wookiees Were Forged From One Chewie

Star Wars The Phantom Menace Richard Armitage The Hobbit

It turns out that E.T.'s unexpected emergence wasn't the only compelling detail largely overlooked during this "no confidence" Galactic Senate pipebomb, with a much hairier gem of a cameo being far more than meets the eye.

During the aforementioned panning around the senate, a number of Wookiees are also seen reacting to Amidala's words. But instead of going through the hard work of forging three brand-new grizzly costumes for such a fleeting showing of the towering furballs, it was decided that the OG Chewbacca suit would be used to its fullest potential.

So, an actor was dumped into that original Chewie costume and recorded three separate times, with each different version seeing the costume's hair changed ever-so slightly. And as creature effects supervisor Nick Dudman would later explain, "When the shots were put together, we ended up with three different Wookiees out of one suit."

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...