20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

1. It's Got More Practical Effects Than The OG Trilogy Combined

Star Wars The Phantom Menace Richard Armitage The Hobbit

Contrary to what many would have you believe when it comes to the CGI-loving creator of this galaxy far, far away, it turns out that George Lucas wasn't actually hellbent on stuffing his Prequel trilogy with digital wizardry.

Now sure, The Phantom Menace and the two Episodes that would follow are still weighed down by perhaps a touch more CGI than anyone was genuinely asking for. But it'll likely come as a shock to many to hear that the first Episode of the Prequels alone actually used more miniature sets and props than were forged for the entire Original trilogy all those years ago.

That being said, The Phantom Menace also completely blew those films out of the water on the digital front too, again coming in with more CGI than was used in those films combined.

Yet, the fact many were quick to overlook the former impressive fact when sitting down to take in Episode I unfortunately tells the story of Lucas not quite striking the perfect balance between practical and digital over the course of a flick many understandably branded as "soulless" upon its debut all those years ago.

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