20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith
3. The 501st Legion

And with said Order 66 culling in mind, those obedient troops seen cutting down many a youngling, padawan, and master within The Jedi Temple in Coruscant aren't just any old battalion of duplicate boys.
The Clone troopers decked out in undoubtedly awesome white and blue in this harrowing moment are none other than the 501st legion, a group of soldiers commanded by Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano throughout the Clone Wars.
Their on-screen debut in the Star Wars universe via Revenge of the Sith in the first place, though, was actually a way of saluting the real-life Vader's Fist fan-organisation dedicated to creating screen-accurate replicas of some of the galaxy's most legendary costumes.
The organisation, ran entirely by volunteers, has also gone on to help raise millions for charities all over the world. So, this cool canon nod to the folks fighting the good fight in the real-world was a sweet touch from Lucas and co.