20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope

19. Obi-Wan Doesn't Actually Say An Iconic Line In This Movie

Star Wars

Of the many instantly iconic phrases that have popped up in the galaxy far, far away over the years, few will ever really be able to top the simple but effective parting salute of "may the Force be with you."

And one person who has very much become synonymous with that legendary message is the first-ever space wizard to pop up on the big-screen in the form of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

In reality, though, the Jedi also known as Ben didn't actually ever utter that immortal line at any point in A New Hope.

While Luke Skywalker's master did unleash a few similar versions of this statement in the form of "The Force will be with you...always" and "Use the Force, Luke", the first use of the most famous version of the quote originally came from General Dodonna before the attack on the Death Star.

Obi-Wan would at least go on to say it in the Prequels, though... so that's something.

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