20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise Of Skywalker

6. Another Holdo Maneuver

Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker

After the Resistance's victory on Exegol, fans are taken back to the forest moon of Endor in a sequence showing how folks across the galaxy were rising up against The First Order.

Here, the brave Ewoks are seen staring at an obliterated Star Destroyer hovering over their home.

And if you take a closer look at that recently ripped in two ship from the First Order fleet, it soon becomes clear that some fearless soul opted to take a leaf out of Vice-Admiral Amilyn Holdo's book in Episode IX.

One eagle-eyed fan on X noticed how the white beams of light bursting out the back of the First Order Destroyer looked exactly like the ones that were left behind by the Holdo Maneuver in The Last Jedi, with the Vice-Admiral wrecking some enemy ships by ramming them as she jumped to hyperspace.

Finn may have felt this suicidal power move had a "one-in-a-million" chance of working, but luckily for the Ewoks, one heroic pilot seemingly liked the sounds of those odds.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...