20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

18. A Lightsaber Reversal

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Luke

Staying within the Wampa's freezing home, one of Luke's first real examples of him successfully using the Force comes during the moment the unlucky Jedi finds himself hanging upside down in the cave - and more on that later!

Skywalker is able to successfully Force pull his lightsaber and slash his way out of the ice, before chopping down his captor and making a break for it. And while you would've been forgiven for just assuming this brilliant practical effect was achieved via some expert wire work, you'd only be half right.

Because while wires were very much used to assist Mark Hamill's epic Force yanking out of the snow, they were actually used to pull the lightsaber from his hand, rather than to it. This motion was then reversed later on, meaning that you're really watching a backwards version of a lightsaber falling to the ground here.

Who needs CGI when you've got old school movie magic, eh?

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