20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

14. A Doctor Who Bounty Hunter Cameo

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Luke
BBC Studios/Disney

You'd be surprised just how many props and costumes have found themselves being recycled on the big and small screens over the years. And likely even more shocked to discover that a piece of Doctor Who history actually managed to wiggle its way into the galaxy far, far away all those years ago.

Those loyal Whovians all over the galaxy probably found themselves suffering from a bit of déjà vu when slimy bounty hunter Bossk first wandered onto the Episode V scene. That's because the eye-catching spacesuit the Trandoshan is seen sporting actually first popped up in 1966's The Tenth Planet, a Doctor Who serial featuring William Hartnell's First Doctor.

It isn't 100% known whether this was the exact same costume that would later be used in The Empire Strikes Back. But at the very least, both Bossk and this Who figure shared a fondness for this type of distinct yellow jumpsuit.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...