20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

12. Vader And C-3PO's Only Original Trilogy Scene Together

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Luke

Speaking of Tatooine's importance within the Star Wars franchise, this was also the planet that Anakin Skywalker was ultimately revealed to have built everyone's favourite neurotic droid C-3PO on.

Throughout much of the Original Trilogy, however, Darth Vader and his creation don't actually share all that many scenes together, with the one and only instance of the pair reuniting actually coming as Han Solo is about to be frozen in carbonite.

And in a case of some fans perhaps adding their own little pieces of canon into the mix for some additional fun, the sight of Vader keeping Boba Fett from firing on a frustrated Chewbacca with Threepio on his back has been interpreted as the Dark Lord not wanting to harm his one-time robotic pal all these years later.

Because Lucas definitely had this all mapped out from the beginning, right?

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