20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi

10. Vader's Upside Down Lightsaber

Jabba SW

Nothing says tough love quite like launching your lightsaber at your baby boy in the middle of a deadly duel on the Death Star II.

But if you slow down that very moment of the one-time Anakin Skywalker hurling his trusty weapon at Luke with The Emperor watching on, it soon becomes clear that there was something a little off about this father-son experience.

On closer inspection, Vader's lightsaber is actually shown to be emitting the weapon's laser blade out of the wrong end when flying through the air. But Lucas appears to have still found a way to ignore this rather strange error in his many OG trilogy updates.

CGI eye-lids for Ewoks? You got it.

Flipping a lightsaber so it doesn't make the most iconic Force user of all time look like he has no clue how to assemble his own weapon? Sure nobody will notice...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...