20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

11. Conan O'Brien's "Jub Jub" Request

Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens Rey Eating

Speaking of verbal Easter eggs you almost certainly didn't catch during your first few viewings of this long-awaited return to the galaxy far, far away, none other than Conan O'Brien was actually responsible for this strange Star Wars occurrence.

During an interview between the pair before The Force Awakens began filming back in 2013, J. J. Abrams promised the host that he'd sneak the words "Jub Jub" into his Star Wars movie, with Conan doing that very same thing on numerous occasions during his time working on The Simpsons in the past.

And sure enough, the director kept his word.

Listen closely as Rey manages to free BB-8 from a scavenger by the name of Teedo and you'll hear that diminutive alien let out what sounds exactly like the words "Jub Jub" as he wandered away from the pair.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...