20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

15. This Was The First Time A Stormtrooper Went Full Melee

Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens Rey Eating

Awesome melee weapons have been popping up in this galaxy far, far away for decades, with everything from the iconic lightsaber to the Tusken Raider's gaderffii sticks being used to take down foes on the big and small screen.

For the longest time, though, the most famous soldiers in the galaxy had never been given the chance to get in on the close-range combat action.

But that all changed during the events of The Force Awakens, with a showdown between a First Order stormtrooper and a certain "traitor!" on Takodana actually marking the first-ever time a melee weapon was used by a white-armoured trooper in a Star Wars film.

It didn't work out so well for that First Order fighter, of course. But that Z6 riot control baton-wielding soldier and Finn will always have the honour of being the first people on-screen to show off how skilled in melee combat these stormtroopers actually were.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...