20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

11. The Holdo Maneuver Foreshadowing

Star Wars Last Jedi Facts

Not long after that aforementioned moment when Leia was suddenly fired out into space by Kylo Ren's wingmen, the Force-sensitive daughter of Anakin Skywalker remarkably floated her way back to the Raddus.

Mary Poppins got nothing on this general.

Whether you were one of the folks who were left scratching their head at Organa's ability to survive in space or were celebrating the galaxy's favourite princess finally showing off just how strong with the Force she really was, though, either way, there's a good chance you completely missed a genius bit of foreshadowing during this shocking return.

As Leia makes her way through the destroyed bridge, she passes right through a hologram of Snoke's Supremacy Dreadnought, splitting it right in two.

You know, just like the Raddus itself would before the end of the flick when Vice-Admiral Amilyn Holdo sacrificed herself for the Resistance by pulling off one hell of a hyperspace maneuver.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...