20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

9. Mark Hamill's Other Role

Star Wars Last Jedi Facts

Not only did the mighty Mark Hamill score top billing during his proper return to the franchise in Episode VIII - that ridiculously short Force Awakens cameo definitely didn't count! - but he also managed to surprisingly land not one, but two parts in The Last Jedi.

Listen closely when BB-8 is ambushed by a little alien gambler in Canto Bight and you'll perhaps recognise the creatures grumbles and growls. That's because Hamill's voice was very much the one coming out of Dobbu Scay's mouth - an anagram of the name of the film's editor Bob Duscay - in the flick.

The legendary voice actor actually went out of his way to ask his director for an additional CGI role in the movie (via EW). And this wasn't simply a case of sitting in a recording booth and pretending to be the amphibian, Hamill actually had to don a full motion-capture suit and act opposite a giant BB-8 to play the diminutive menace (via CinemaBlend).

Just your average day at the Star Wars office then...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...