20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

2. Kylo Ren's Moving Scar

Star Wars Last Jedi Facts

Kylo Ren was left with a rather noticeable reminder of what happens when you mess with an apparent "nobody" from Jakku during the closing stages of The Force Awakens.

However, that facial scar the fallen Ben Solo was given on Starkiller Base went through a bit of an unexpected and largely ignored change by the time The Last Jedi landed on screens.

According to Rian Johnson himself, he decided that Kylo's scar needed to be adjusted a touch. The reason behind this subtle shift from the mark crossing over his nose to moving further across his face instead was simple: the director felt a scar going up the bridge of his nose looked "goofy" (via GamesRadar).

Though most of the planet was too distracted by the character going full Ben Swolo during his Force conversation with Rey to catch this slight scar change.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...