20 Things You Somehow Missed In The Dark Knight Rises

11. What's In A Mask?

The Dark Knight Rises
Warner Bros

But before The Bat was truly ready to step back into the shadows after eight years on the sidelines, Bale's Bruce opted to stop by a certain masquerade charity ball that was, unbeknownst to Wayne, being thrown by Marion Cotillard's Miranda Tate.

It's here during his quest to retrieve his mother's pearls from Selina Kyle that a rather notable detail is seen hiding in plain sight. While just about everyone else in attendance is hiding their true identity with a literal mask, Wayne isn't seen sporting one at all.

This reflects the idea that billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne is merely a mask the Batman wears to hide his true self, with Tate's willingness to reveal her face in the sequence also hinting at that moniker merely being a cover-up for her real identity of Talia al Ghul, too.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...