20 Things You Somehow Missed In The Shawshank Redemption

17. The Humane Society’s Maggot Mandate

Shawshank Redemption
Columbia Pictures

A crow’s gotta eat if it wants to keep on living. This is a simple fact. However, when the American Humane Society is on the set of your film, you might run into some trouble finding something to actually feed your crow.

If this sounds like an oddly specific problem to encounter, it’s because it is. Still, it’s one director Frank Darabont had to deal with while shooting The Shawshank Redemption. When the crew tried to feed Brooks’ crow a live maggot, the AHS forbid it from happening because it would be inhumane to kill the maggot.

The shoot screeched to a halt as the crew scoured the ground for a dead maggot so that they could get back on schedule. They eventually found one, and the crow-feeding scene was finally shot — Dead maggot and all. Next time The Shawshank Redemption’s on TV, you'll notice the maggot's definitely not wiggling like a live one would be.


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