20 Things You Somehow Missed In The Wolf Of Wall Street
6. References To The Film Crew
If the film crew are going to sneak in a few in-jokes into the production, they might as well chuck in a couple of references to themselves. At the strip mall, there is a sign that reads "Robert Mancuso Accounting", which is a nod to the production's camera assistant, Bobby Mancuso.
But that's not the only wink to the film crew. While Jordan Belfort is being questioned by the FBI on his yacht, he gives one of the agents a list of the people attending his wedding to Naomi.
Nothing seems out of the ordinary at a glance but the listed names actually belong to people who worked on the movie.
Kelley Cribben was the post-production supervisor, Daniel Fine was the second assistant accountant, and Wade Sullivan was in charge of costumes. It's a small detail but the filmmakers probably had a laugh inserting their employees' names into the film.