20 Things You Somehow Missed In There Will Be Blood

5. The Living, Breathing Embodiment Of Capitalism

There Will Be Blood
Paramount Vantage

Daniel initially finds silver in the mines. Unfortunately for him, he breaks his leg trying to extract it. Despite that, he drags his body across miles of hard, unyielding terrain that would be difficult even to walk on. In the mine itself, he makes sure to see if the silver is there for sure before tending to his leg.

He does not go to a hospital afterward. Instead, he visits the assay's office first to get the stones looked at. While lying down on the floor with his leg in a make-shift brace, he carefully watches the assays weighing the material and churning it right to get the silver out.

If that does not prove how greed fueled him, God knows what will. Great touch from PTA to include that in the visual storytelling.


Arnav Srivastav hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.