20 Things You Somehow Missed In There Will Be Blood

18. H.W. Knew The Truth About Henry Before Plainview Did

It is often said kids have a sixth sense. M. Night Shyamalan made an entire movie about this instinct but we still wonder if it is true. In There Will Be Blood, H.W. seems to have it when he senses the truth about Henry even before Daniel. That is only true if you haven't looked closely enough.

Actually, the scene where we get the famous "I have a competition in me" monologue, is prefaced with a brief sequence showing H.W. going through Henry's things. It could have been just out of curiosity, or even, for argument's sake, the instincts. But the fact is he does. And he proceeds to read the diary in the bag. He realizes that when he reads its content that reveals Daniel's real brother has tuberculosis.

The real Henry writes he will never see his brother again and "die in this beautiful valley", referring to King City, where he met the fake Henry. This is the explanation that he gives Daniel when he has him at gunpoint and asks him the "name of the farm next to the Hill House".

H.W. was raised a smart boy by Plainview, and lighting Henry on fire was perhaps his way of letting Plainview know the truth about him.


Arnav Srivastav hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.